We are moving along quickly. This class let us explore the research resources of Stockton Library. There is a link to some instructional videos on the library's home page. This is a link to the Stockton Library Home Page. Stockton Library
The two most important research search engines are: Summon and Ebscohost. There are numerous databases which can be searched by subject and ways to drill down the information you find to the information you need. If you are unable to locate a needed resource, you can usually obtain it through the inter-library services option. If all else fails, ask one of the helpful and knowledgeable librarians.
I am using the library to research my personal learning theory topic. I am looking at how training employees can be improved using adult learning theory. I am gathering ideas so if anyone has info relating to this topic, please post a comment. See you in class.
I agree with the importance of the library tools. I have found so much information on Synectics that has been critical to our group project.