Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Need to Know and More

This week, the class looked at the "Need to Know" attribute of adult learning.  Need to know is the idea that adults need to know why they are learning something. They need to know how they will learn, what they will learn and what they will gain by learning. This is a brief idea of what Knowles meant by the phrase Need to Know.

 "People become ready to learn something when they experience a need to learn it in order to cope more satisfyingly with real-life tasks and problems. The educator has a responsibility to create conditions and provide tools and procedures for helping learners discover their "needs to know." Learning programs should be organized around life-application categories and sequenced according to the learners' readiness to learn."

Taken from the weblink: http://teachinglearningresources.pbworks.com/w/page/30310516/Andragogy--Adult%20Learning%20Theory

Now it's on to Experience.